On April 27th 2023 the steering committee of the SWITCH trial discussed the progress of the trial after randomisation of more than 200 patients. After a careful evaluation of the funding resources and the recruitment rate, the steering committee decided to stop the trial due to “lack of further funding” […]
The 38th SWITCH trial site – “Universitätsmedizin Rostock” – is now open for recruitment!
Universitätsmedizin Rostock, Germany is now open for recruitment!
Aarau becomes the fifth Swiss site recruiting for SWITCH. The total number of sites now stands at 37 recruiting centers!
Kantonsspital Aarau, Switzerland is now open for recruitment!
Newsletter_12_2020 https://www.switch-trial.ch/wp-content/uploads/sites/13/2020/12/Newsletter_12_2020.pdf
Newsletter December 2020
The trial team of the UZ Leuven included their first patient in the randomized trial. This patient is also the first Belgian patient enrolled in SWITCH. Congratulations to the team for their effort!
First patient randomized in Belgium!
The trial team of Düsseldorf, Germany, randomized their first patient in SWITCH. Congratulations to the team!
First patient randomized in Düsseldorf!
Saint-Luc becomes the second Belgian site recruiting for SWITCH. The total number of sites now stands at 36 recruiting centers!
The Cliniques Universitaires Saint Luc, Belgium is now open for ...
The trial team of Kassel, Germany, included their first randomized patient in SWITCH. Congratulations to the team!