old tables


Number of randomized patients: 47

Number of recruiting sites: 28


check-mark-1292787_960_720Key inclusion criteria:

ISO_7010_P001_svg Key exclusion criteria:

  • Age: ≥18 to ≤75 years
  • Acute stroke syndrome due to a spontaneous ICH
  • Haemorrhage into basal ganglia, or thalamus that may extend into cerebral lobes, ventricles or subarachnoid space
  • Glasgow coma scale (GCS) <14 and >7 at randomization
  • NIHSS ≥10 and ≤30
  • Surgical treatment within 72 hours after ictus
  • Volume of hematoma ≥30ml and ≤100ml
  • Aneurysm, arteriovenous malformation, tumor, trauma, thrombolysis
  • Cerebellar or brainstem hemorrhage
  • Exclusive lobar hemorrhage
  • Moribund patients (GCS 3-7)


20160119_beck_ju%c2%a6ergen_001 Prof. Dr. med. Jürgen Beck

Department of Neurosurgery



20141027_fischer_urs_02 Prof. Dr. med. Urs Fischer

Department of Neurology



PD Dr. med. Christian Fung

Department of Neurosurgery

Email: christian.fung@insel.ch

Phone: +41 31 632 35 37

Team Neurologie für Gruppenfoto Dr. phil. II Stefanie Lerch

Neuro clinical trial unit (NCTU)

Email: stefanie.lerch@insel.ch

Phone: +41 31 632 73 09

20160524_bressan_jenny_002 Jenny Bressan, MSc

Neuro clinical trial unit (NCTU)

Email: jenny.bressan@insel.ch

Phone: +41 31 632 60 66


Lena Burkhardt, MSc

Neuro clinical trial unit (NCTU)

Email: lena.burkhardt@insel.ch

Phone: +41 31 632 60 83